Welcome to Disciple.Live, a forum for discussing all things related to Christian discipleship! Whether you're a seasoned disciple-maker or just starting out on your journey, this is the place to share your thoughts, ask questions, and connect with others who are passionate about following Jesus.
To get started, please take a moment to introduce yourself in the "Introductions" thread. Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you got interested in discipleship, and what you hope to gain from this forum.
We also encourage you to browse through the existing threads and contribute to any that interest you. If you have a new topic you'd like to discuss, feel free to start a new thread.
Our goal is to create a welcoming and supportive community where everyone feels free to share their perspectives and insights. Please keep the conversation respectful and refrain from personal attacks or offensive language.
Thank you for joining us on this journey of discipleship. We look forward to hearing from you and learning together!